Pictures of Superheroes premiered at the Austin Film Festival. A lot of people saw it and then said nice things about it:

“I have never seen a movie like Pictures of Superheroes… It is unlike anything I have ever seen before; its unique and its going to stick with me.”
Todd Berger, Writer/Director It’s a Disaster

“The film is as absurd as it sounds, but it does not feel haphazard or meaninglessly silly. It’s like an extended Mr. Show sketch with a sloppy heart.”
Matthew Odam, Austin American Statesman

“Maybe it’s a film about the existential ennui of Marie’s dull grind of a life, or possibly a celebration of adults who eat ice cream for breakfast; mainly, though, Pictures of Superheroes is a terrific, and odd, ensemble piece with what seems like at least half of Austin’s best actors popping up in every other scene.”
Marc Savlov, Austin Chronicle

More after the jump…

Pictures of Superheroes delves deeply into interpersonal relationships, specifically focusing on the disconnections and selfishness that seem to have become inherent in our oh-so-hectic modern society.”
Don Simpson, Smells Like Screen Spirit

“Four Stars… The film seems to operate on cartoon logic, which is where everything that is said or happens is just accepted as the way things are, regardless of how insane it all is. Or, to quote from the film itself, Pictures of Superheroes makes “sense like a goddamn Gremlin…””
Mark Bell, Film Threat

Pictures of Superheroes, a local movie that not only showcases great comedic talent but congeals their multiple personalities in a humorous and insightful tale written and directed by Don Swaynos.”
Debbie Cerda, Slackerwood

In addition, I gave interviews to Film School Rejects and Slackerwood.

Photo courtesy Jette Kernion, Slackerwood 
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